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11.04.2023 17:53:56 Aleksandrs Kiršteins (@akirstei) Avots: 1645847665295409152 Retvīti: 0
Atbilde uz b'1645842255633055758'
@VRudzitis Par Igauniju nezinu sīkāk, bet EKRE ir iesniegusi protestu!
11.04.2023 17:24:09 Aleksandrs Kiršteins (@akirstei) Avots: 1645840171785388037 Retvīti: 2
Igauņu liberālie reformisti un sociķi ne ar vārdiņu pirms vēlēšanām neieminējās, ka cels nodokļus, jo labi saprata, ka par viņiem balsotu daudz mazāk vēlētāju! Labējiem atliek tikai žēli nopūsties, ka spēlējuši pēc noteikumiem.
11.04.2023 17:17:22 Dace Rukšāne-Ščipčinska (@Ruksane) Avots: 1645838461369188363 Retvīti: 0
Atbilde uz b'1645775124925227014'
@lolifish Ozirisa Telpā, Āgenskalna kvartāla vīna veikala banketu telpā.
11.04.2023 16:24:29 Rihards Kols (@RihardsKols) Avots: 1645825156751716358 Retvīti: 0
Atbilde uz b'1645815036122656768'
@radanylu Thank you!
11.04.2023 16:13:03 Juris Pūce (@pucej) Avots: 1645822275650744320 Retvīti: 0
Katru reizi padomāju, bet šoreiz tak jāizdara - paldies izdevniecībai Santa par Jūsu putnu kokiem Stabu ielā no pateicīga Stabu ielas iemītnieka! 1000 putnu dziesmas katru pavasari!
11.04.2023 15:50:30 Rihards Kols (@RihardsKols) Avots: 1645816603429175301 Retvīti: 0
Atbilde uz b'1645816599570464769'
Very happy to see @liambyrnemp again, and meet with parliamentarians from across the planet face-to-face again, after such a long break - there really is no substitute for in-person meetings. Thanks to @liambyrnemp who is at the helm of @ParlNetwork for making this happen!
11.04.2023 15:50:29 Rihards Kols (@RihardsKols) Avots: 1645816599570464769 Retvīti: 0
Essential, in-depth and engaging talks at the @ParlNetwork #Springmeeting2023 of @worldbank and @IMFNews on issues that at times feel too complex to grasp, let alone address - from debt sustainability, bank stability, climate & more. Representing 🇱🇻@Jekaba11 w/ @ArtursButans.
11.04.2023 15:36:49 Rihards Kols (@RihardsKols) Avots: 1645813158916022274 Retvīti: 0
Citēts uz b'1645015260506488832'
The whole “followers” argument reads like a page from an authoritarian’s playbook. Russian propaganda uses similar language of puppets, vassals, followers, etc. In their view, equal relationships as friends & allies are impossible, only subservience to a hegemon is possible.
11.04.2023 15:16:31 Rihards Kols (@RihardsKols) Avots: 1645808051327488000 Retvīti: 0
Atbilde uz b'1645806387921059841'
@Ian___F I don’t think he gets misunderstood, I think he says exactly what he means. The fallout - the outrage - following his comments is what leads to the line that “he was misunderstood”. That's PR crisis management.
11.04.2023 15:01:21 Rihards Kols (@RihardsKols) Avots: 1645804233378369538 Retvīti: 1
Atbilde uz b'1645804230668845058'
Although, I must say, if Macron’s secret wish is to ensure the failure of the entire concept of strategic autonomy by making the majority of the EU detest it - the term, not the idea - by association - he is succeeding marvellously! 🧵🔚
11.04.2023 15:01:20 Rihards Kols (@RihardsKols) Avots: 1645804230668845058 Retvīti: 1
Atbilde uz b'1645804227531538434'
China, as we all are perfectly aware, has not been anything of the sort. But, by Macron's comments, you really wouldn't be able to tell. The fact that Macron once again tried to speak on behalf of the entire EU, despite having no mandate to do so, is yet another repeat blunder.
11.04.2023 15:01:20 Rihards Kols (@RihardsKols) Avots: 1645804227531538434 Retvīti: 1
Atbilde uz b'1645804224968822784'
The exceptionally soft language Macron used on China and the harsh tones of his comments on the US come off as exceptionally inappropriate this time, however. The US has been nothing but staunchly supportive of Europe as we attempt to deal with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
11.04.2023 15:01:19 Rihards Kols (@RihardsKols) Avots: 1645804224968822784 Retvīti: 1
Atbilde uz b'1645804221340737537'
Even the worrisome advances towards an authoritarian regime aren’t without precedent - just last year we heard echoes of Macron's “strategic dialogue” with Russia, with Macron calling for the need to be “understanding” towards Russia, just as it was invading Ukraine.
11.04.2023 15:01:18 Rihards Kols (@RihardsKols) Avots: 1645804221340737537 Retvīti: 3
Citēts uz b'1645015260506488832'
What can I even say about Macron's recent comments that hasn't already been said? This seems somewhat of a tradition of his - saying something outrageous, then having hordes of French diplomats argue that he was misunderstood. Rinse and repeat. 🧵👇
11.04.2023 14:15:16 Ilze Indriksone (@IIndriksone) Avots: 1645792637449011202 Retvīti: 0
Šogad konkursa #EnergoefektīvākāĒkaLatvijā vadmotīvs ir motivēt sabiedrību, ka beidzot ir jāmaina savi ikdienas paradumi:
11.04.2023 13:30:17 Gatis Eglītis (@EglitisGatis) Avots: 1645781313830506496 Retvīti: 0
Atbilde uz b'1645778973350141953'
@Mikipele6 Viens variants “konservatīvā spārna” valdība: NA, AS, ZZS & “tradicionālo vērtību sargs” Šlesers (53). Arī mazākumvaldības modelis var darboties, jo JV frakcija nebūtu populisti vai nebalsotu pret-valstiski.
11.04.2023 13:11:14 Gatis Eglītis (@EglitisGatis) Avots: 1645776519694778368 Retvīti: 0
Ļoti iespējams šis ir beigu sākums K.Kariņa 2.0 valdībai.
11.04.2023 12:22:20 Ritvars Jansons (@RitvarsJansons1) Avots: 1645764216647712768 Retvīti: 0
Trīs stāsti par cilvēkiem, gataviem upurēties, ziedot sevi augstāka mērķa vārdā
11.04.2023 11:54:55 Gatis Eglītis (@EglitisGatis) Avots: 1645757315981750277 Retvīti: 0
Atbilde uz b'1645738058824728577'
@aseradens @Valstskase @Finmin @LatvijasBanka @martinskazaks Jēdzīga iniciatīva no @Finmin 🙏⛱️
11.04.2023 11:45:09 Edvīns Šnore (@EdvinsSnore) Avots: 1645754858589356033 Retvīti: 0
Citēts uz b'1645707693489811458'
Ļoti labi. Cerams, ka Rietumi nespiedīs ukraiņus pārņemt no LV/EE nepilsoņu “veiksmes stāstu”.
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